$ 1200
$ 1620
$ 1600
$ 1720
$ 1980
$ 2120
$ 2800
$ 2800
$ 2560
$ 2800
$ 2700
$ 2460
$ 5960
$ 2700
$ 2900
$ 2180
$ 2140
$ 1600
$ 1240
$ 1200

Dim sum is a style of Chinese cuisine. It is prepared as small bite-sized portions of food served in small steamer baskets or on a small plate. Dim sum is a Chinese meal of small plates best enjoyed with tea in the company of family and friends.

Dim Sum Dishes

Dim Sum (Sundays)

  • Location: Our Main Street Branch
  • Time: 9:30 – 13:00 (Sundays only)

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